Central Whidbey

Cooperative Preschool

We are members of parent cooperative preschool international. The most valuable benefits of PCPI membership is the opportunity to share and learn from other preschool cooperatives and their members.

About Us

On a typical day, children arrive, wash hands, and play in the gym. After a welcoming circle that may include a discussion of the day, the first part of the day is devoted to exploration and free play of the learning centers.  These centers change from day to day and week to week and may include the following: art activities, the sensory table filled with tactile objects, dramatic play area, cooking projects, puzzles, and library area.

Following free play, the children assist with clean-up to teach responsibility and cooperation. The class is then invited to participate in group activities such as stories, group games, and songs.

The class enjoys snack brought by parents on a rotating basis. The sharing of snack is an opportunity to build social skills. After snack, the class engages in music and movement. Whenever the weather permits, gross motor play takes place on the school playground.

To close the day, the children gather again for a brief goodbye circle and sharing. 

Classes participate in field trips throughout the year to reinforce themes in the classroom, as well as to experience opportunities in our community.

Central Whidbey Cooperative Preschool is a cooperative parent education program.  Parent requirements are what makes the program work. In our Co-op family, parents are required to:

  • Assist in the classroom 3-4 times per month.
  • Attend monthly parent meetings.
  • Volunteer for a committee or on the Co-op Board.
  • Participate in fundraising efforts.